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These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. People viewing your comp card can contact you via Litmind, but if you get a Plus or Pro membership you'll be able to add you mail and your phone so people can contact you straightaway even if they're not members at Litmind.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.You're a lot more likely to be choosen if they can see you in photos that already resemble the ones they want. If you're going to a casting for an specific job, modify your comp card to include photos resembling the ones that will be taken in the job.Copy and paste it in your social networks! Your Litmind comp card has its own web address.If you don't have good photos to choose for your comp card, don't.Fill all the fields in your Litmind profile about sizes and measures so your comp card is complete.Some golden hints to make your comp card succesful Do not use nude nor "spicy" photos, except if you're going to a casting for that kind of job.Try to choose a variety of photos: let them see different jobs, different styles and attitudes, this will greatly improve your comp card.No selfies, no home-made photos and no bad quality photos in general.Do not choose photos where your body has been strongly reoutched.Chosse at least another one where your face features can be easily seen.Choose at least one where your body silhouette can be clearly seen.What photos do I choose for my composite? Take your time to think on what photos to choose for your comp card, a good comp card can get you a job, but a badly thought one can discard you from a casting rightaway.