It’s when you have already hit “Send” from your end but the message is yet to be delivered to Telegram for onward transmission to the intended recipient. It’s not when the message is still in draft format.

What does it mean by “before they are sent”? Simple. It will be possible to delete messages even before they are sent. The feature has come in handy for those of us who don’t use Telegram’s ephemeral messaging feature that ensures end-to-end encryption.Īnd now, Telegram is taking it to another level. Even WhatsApp has had to extend the window it had put for being able to do this owing to the popularity of the feature. So far, we have been able to delete messages on Telegram even after we send them both from our side as well as from the recipient’s end. Just highlight the word(s) you want to link, click on the 3 dots to expand the formatting menu, select create link, key in your link and hit Enter. There’s also another small feature that many may not appreciate but which those of us who are always sharing links will love: the ability to “use the “create link” option in the formatting menu to make text URLs”. Just long-press the conversation that contains the message you want to remain in an unread state and select “Mark as unread” in the resulting menu. Now, there will be no more need for all that.